The terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice (hereinafter the "Rules") are intended to inform, regulate the use and access by users (hereinafter the "User" or "Users") to all web pages listed under the domain (hereinafter, "the Website"). The Website and its contents are owned and managed by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.


1.1. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, a limited liability company, (hereinafter referred to as THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.), registered in the Companies Registry of BIZKAIA, T 5498 , F 173, S 8, H BI 65381, I/A 2 (22.12.14) with tax number (CIF) B-95787081 and registered office at P.I. Ugaldeguren III, parcela 32-33, 48170, Zamudio, Spain and includes THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL and its subsidiaries.

1.2. If you require any additional information or have any doubts, complaints or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us by email, by using our customer care telephone (34) 946. 128 .223 or, with prior appointment, at the address P.I. Ugaldeguren III, Parcela 32-33 48170, Zamudio (Spain).

2. Use of the Website.

2.1. By accessing and browsing the Website the User accepts fully and without reservation each and all of the Rules as published by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, the moment when the User accesses the page. Therefore, the User must be aware of the importance of consulting the Rules each time the page is accessed.

2.2. The User agrees to use the Website and the services that are made available through the same, in line with the law, morals, good customs and public order, along with the provisions of these Rules.

2.3. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.may, for greater efficiency in the functioning of the Website and for the benefit of Users, unilaterally modify, at any time and without notice, the content and services provided therein or any other aspect of the Website. Similarly, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice any of the terms and conditions of the Rules, in the terms and conditions that it deems appropriate and these shall have effect from the time of their publication. These changes may be communicated personally to registered Users.

2.4. Users must observe any instructions that are given by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL., or their duly authorized personnel, via e-mail or the Website.

2.5. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. the User with use of a blog, with THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. reserving the right to publish comments by the Users as well as deleting them wholly or in part without prior notice to the Users. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.shall not be responsible for the content, comments, expressions and opinions expressed by users of the Blog and which are published therein, nor does it guarantee the accuracy thereof.

The User agrees not to submit content which is defamatory, contains insults or is deemed racist, is obscene, contains religious content, is offensive, or is contrary to existing applicable legislation, and in particular any comments that may violate fundamental rights and public freedoms or that violate the right to honor. The User shall at all times be responsible for the comments posted, being the only guarantor in connection with the enforcement of Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations which may affect the content of the comments which can be seen on the Blog, exempting THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.from any liability regarding the use of such content on the Blog.

3. Protection of personal data of Users by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.

3.1. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.reports that the data that Users provide through the Website shall be included in files owned by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. with Users expressly consenting to their collection and treatment, with the aim of maintaining business relationships, receiving information and advertising products and services fromTHE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL., or from third party partners or affiliated companies, either by traditional or electronic channels, and, if providing a curriculum, to be included in the recruitment processes of the company.

3.2. The owner of the data shall be entitled at all times to access the file and to rectify, cancel and contest the same in the terms set out in data protection legislation. Likewise, the consent of the user to the processing and transfer of his/her personal details may be revoked at any moment. This can be done by contacting THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. by e-mail at or by writing to P.I. Ugaldeguren III, Parcela 32-33, 48170, Zamudio (Spain).

3.3. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.guarantees the use of appropriate security measures in its facilities, systems and files. Likewise, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. guarantees the confidentiality of the Personal Details, although it may disclose to competent public authorities both the Personal Details and any other information which may be stored on its files or accessible through its systems, whenever the same is required in keeping with applicable legal and regulatory dispositions.

3.4. lease read our special section regarding the Policy on Data Protection and Privacy that appears on the website, as well as in each section where the user is required to enter personal data.

4. Intellectual Property and Copyright.

4.1. All the information contained on the Page, its graphic design and the HTML, JAVA, JAVA Script and Active X language codes are protected by copyright and by other intellectual property rights. These rights are owned exclusively by THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. or its licensees. All Internet users accessing this Page may view the information contained in the same and carry out downloads or private reproductions on their own computer system, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local area network. Without prejudice to that set out in the present Rules, any distribution, modification, transfer, public communication, reproduction or any other action partially or wholly involving the information published at the Page is forbidden without prior written authorization from THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.

4.2. Users must use the content and information on the Page in a diligent, correct and licit manner, specifically for personal non-commercial use, and must not delete or modify the content or any mention of sources, copyright or other data which identify the rights of THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. or third parties, and respecting the original content at all times. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication of any kind of the content of the information published at without prior written authorization from THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. is strictly forbidden. Authorization for reproduction can be requested by e-mail at

4.3. Should any user or third-party consider that any of the content located on the Page has been introduced in the same in breach of copyright or other intellectual property rights, please communicate the said circumstance to THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.using the e-mail address, with indication of the following: a) Name, address, telephone number and e-mail address of the claimant; b) Details of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights which are deemed to have been breached; c) Indication of the breached content and the location of the same within the Page; d) Declaration that the content has been introduced without express authorization from the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights. Without prejudice to that indicated in the preceding paragraphs, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current legislation on advertising and copyright or other intellectual property rights.


5.1. Whenever the page refers to third-party web sites through advertising links, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. does not undertake to carry out prior control of the said web sites, nor does it approve or lay claim to the services, content, data, files, products or any other kinds of material contained in the third-party web sites, and in consequence, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. is in no way liable for the legality of the content of the said web site pages; liability for the same shall correspond, by way of example and without limitation, exclusively to the third-party, who shall make sure the content is legal and in keeping with morality, good conduct and public order and does not breach the rights of other parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not necessarily imply any kind of relationship between THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. and the owner of the web site which is linked to.

5.2. Any users or third parties who wish to establish a hyperlink with the Page must guarantee that the hyperlink only provides access to the pages or services of the Page and does not, by way of example and without limitation, reproduce content, deep-links, browsers or incorrect or inexact statements with regard to the content or the Page. Save for those signs which form part of the hyperlink, the user guarantees that the web page linked to by the hyperlink shall not contain brand names, commercial names, commercial banners, denominations, logos, slogans or any other type of distinctive signs which belong to THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL.

6. Exclusion of Guarantees and Liability.

6.1. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuance of the operation of its Website nor of the products or services made available to the User, for which reason it is released from any liability for damages of any kind which may derive from the lack of availability, reliability or continuance of its Website or services, although it will, in as far as possible, facilitate technical help to affected persons.

6.2. Within the limits established by law, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. and does not assume any claims deriving from the lack of veracity, integrity and/or updating of the content or information of any kind contained at Website.

6.3. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. does not undertake to carry out prior control with regards to checking for viruses or the existence of elements in the content which may produce alterations in the software or hardware of the Users or person visiting the Website, for which reason it is not way liable for any damages of any kind which may derive from the same.

6.4. The User shall be liable for any damages of any kind which THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. may suffer as a consequence of breach by the User of the law or of any of the regulations regarding use as contained in the present Rules.

7. Safeguards for Rules Regarding Use.

7.1. Should any of the clauses in the present Rules be declared void or inoperative, the remaining clauses shall be maintained in the terms set out. THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. undertakes to replace any clauses which have been declared void with another clause which is as near as possible to the original intention of the parties.

8. Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction.

8.1. These Rules are governed by Spanish legislation. In order to resolve any controversy which may come about with regards to the whole or partial validity, execution, breach or termination of the present Rules, THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. and the users expressly subject themselves to the competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Bizkaia (Spain), with express renunciation of any other jurisdiction which may correspond to them.

© Copyright 2017 THE DEE DEE MATTRESS COMPANY, SL. Registered in the Mercantile Register of Bizkaia T 5498 , F 173, S 8, H BI 65381, I/A 2 (22.12.14) and holder of Fiscal Identity Code tax number (CIF) B-95787081.