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26 February 2020

The Crib Clothes Your Baby Needs

We know that everything is important when it comes to meeting the baby's needs during the first months of life, especially for first-time mothers and fathers; for this reason, we have prepared a short list of essential cot clothes for your baby.

1. The main thing is to have a good mattress, since the baby will spend many hours on it. It must be comfortable and breathable to protect it from moisture.

2. Washable mattress covers made of natural materials that are resistant to dust mites.

3. Breathable and hypoallergenic sheets sets that do not irritate your baby's skin and reduce the growing of allergies.

4. A warm and cozy eiderdown that allows air circulation and absorbs moisture so that your baby stays dry during the rest.

5. Finally, you cannot miss the pajamas that protect the baby's skin, since it is thinner and more delicate than adult’s ones. They should be soft to avoid irritation and breathable to maintain your baby's ideal temperature.

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