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30 January 2019

5 Reasons to Choose Handmade Products

As consumers we have the option to choose between products that are mass produced by the big international chains, or we can opt for those garments made by hand in small and local businesses.

29 November 2018

Who are the Plasticarians?

By 2020 it is estimated that 500 million tons of plastic will be produced per year, but only a part of them will be recycled. So, a new community has arisen: the plasticarians, with the clear...

31 October 2018

We Are What We Wear

There is more consciousness about the need for fair treatment and respect for the environment and among the members of the global society, because that implies the future of the next generations.

26 September 2018

How to Teach Your Children to Take Care of the Environment

As you know, caring for the environment is everyone's business, even the smallest ones in the house. But sometimes it is difficult to understand for them such a complicated concept, so from...

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